NEO-TEC Dental Online-Shop

Pulp Capping Material

Thanks to its MTA properties with significant calcium release, SZ Pulpa Secure stimulates the formation of hydroxyapatite. This promotes the development of tertiary dentin, which acts as a protective layer for the pulp.


  • Direct pulp capping for all types of pulp exposure
  • Indirect pulp capping for deep preparations


  • Calcium ion release facilitates the formation of tertiary dentin.
  • The high alkaline pH value has bactericidal effects, supports healing, and prevents hypersensitivity.
  • SZ PulpaSecure LC is resistant to moisture, insoluble, and provides high radiopacity.
  • Its thixotropic nature enables precise application, even in deep cavity preparations.
  • The material can be selectively light-cured to ensure controlled curing.

NEO-TEC Dental

Ahornallee 10
99428 Weimar, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 3643 4434363
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